In the News
On any given day, Groundwork's analyses, op-eds, reports, and commentary are featured in leading publications and on the most influential news programs and podcasts.
On any given day, Groundwork's analyses, op-eds, reports, and commentary are featured in leading publications and on the most influential news programs and podcasts.
"Their plans for the new year are crystal clear: Cut trillions from Social Security, Medicare, and other critical programs to pay for their own massive tax cuts.”
“[Republicans] are putting unelected and unaccountable oligarchs — Musk and Ramaswamy — in charge of deciding how much pain Americans will have to tolerate so that the rich can get richer.”
"For 18 months the Fed has been fighting a ghost while making it more expensive to buy or build homes and driving up costs for every American with a car loan or student debt."
“It’s clear Congressional Republicans are paving the way for the Trump Administration to make it open season for tax cheats.”
Uber-styled apps like CareRev, Clipboard Health, ShiftKey, ShiftMed, and more mark a growing trend of gig nursing. Health care facilities use these AI-powered apps to schedule shifts for gig nurses and nursing assistants, and some apps require workers to bid on shifts.