Groundwork’s Lindsay Owens Calls on Fed to Halt Rate Hikes

July 25, 2023

Groundwork’s Lindsay Owens Calls on Fed to Halt Rate Hikes

Today, the Federal Reserve begins its two-day Federal Open Market Committee meeting, where it is expected to announce another rate hike. Groundwork Collaborative’s Executive Director Lindsay Owens released the following statement ahead of the meeting:

“Chair Powell and the Fed continue to push the false choice peddled by inflation hawks that we have to choose between a strong labor market and lower prices. The data show that we can have both.

“The dangerous reflex to hike rates, no matter the causes of inflation, is both a policy failure and a failure to imagine a world in which workers are anything other than expendable. The Fed should end its rate hiking campaign for good.”

Email to speak with Dr. Owens about the FOMC meeting and why Chair Powell should stop trying to grind our economy to a halt with additional rate hikes.