Groundwork’s Dr. Rakeen Mabud on SCOTUS CFPB Ruling: “​​Strong checks on corporate power help build an economy that works for all of us”

May 16, 2024

Groundwork’s Dr. Rakeen Mabud on SCOTUS CFPB Ruling: “​​Strong checks on corporate power help build an economy that works for all of us”

Following the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s funding mechanism, Groundwork Collaborative Chief Economist Dr. Rakeen Mabud reacted with the following statement:

“An institution dedicated to protecting consumers from predatory pricing tactics is exactly what Americans need right now. Strong checks on corporate power help build an economy that works for all of us.

“Today’s Supreme Court decision was decisively in favor of federal oversight on consumer protection, but we know that big business and their lobbyists won’t stop trying to dismantle an agency dedicated to protecting everyday Americans. This makes it all the more important that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau continues its critical work.”

Email to speak with a Groundwork expert about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and its importance in tackling corporate profiteering.