Biden’s Tax/Economy Speech: Groundwork Applauds Focus on Building a Stronger Economy

January 26, 2023

Biden’s Tax/Economy Speech: Groundwork Applauds Focus on Building a Stronger Economy, Devastating Impact of House Tax Plans

Washington, D.C. – Today, Lindsay Owens, executive director of Groundwork Collaborative, released the following statement ahead of President Biden’s planned speech on the economy and House Republicans’ plans to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations.

“President Biden is absolutely right to shine a spotlight on the stark difference between those of us fighting for economic policies that work for everyone, and the new House majority that is prioritizing the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations.

“Congress should be focused on investing in workers and families and protecting the fragile economic recovery, not greasing the skids for wealthy tax cheats and increasing taxes for ordinary Americans.”


By using their first legislative vote to help rich tax dodgers get away with paying less than they owe in taxes, the GOP made their priorities clear: They want those already at the top to keep getting ahead, no matter what that means for our economy.