Groundwork’s Lindsay Owens on Senate Finance Hearing: “Next year, Congress must stop the grift and close these loopholes for good”

September 12, 2024

Groundwork’s Lindsay Owens on Senate Finance Hearing: “Next year, Congress must stop the grift and close these loopholes for good”

Today, the Senate Finance Committee convened a hearing on the tax avoidance strategies of the ultra-rich and the upcoming expiration of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, when many tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations expire. You can watch a recording of the hearing here.

Indivar Dutta-Gupta from Georgetown University and Bob Lord from Patriotic Millionaires testified that tax loopholes exploited by the ultra-rich are worsening economic inequality and highlighted that next year Congress has an opportunity to fix the tax code so it works for everyone.

Groundwork Collaborative Executive Director Lindsay Owens reacted to the hearing with the following statement:

“The wealthiest Americans continue to use every trick in the book to duck and dodge paying their taxes. It’s unpatriotic. It starves our communities of revenue for needed investments. And it erodes faith in our democracy. Next year, Congress must stop the grift and close these loopholes for good.”

Email to speak with one of Groundwork’s experts about the upcoming 2025 tax debate. Read Dutta-Gupta’s testimony and Lord’s testimony as submitted for the record for more.


“Fundamentally, higher taxes on the wealthy and ultrawealthy can be fair and efficient, creating equitable economic growth that raises living standards for all Americans—and strengthening our democracy as well.”


“American wealth is more concentrated in the hands of the ultra-wealthy than at any time since the Gilded Age…Our tax system is the last line of defense – the firewall – against undue wealth concentration.”