Groundwork’s Lindsay Owens Reacts to Warren Tax Speech: “Senator Warren just laid down a critical marker for the tax fight in 2025”

June 17, 2024

Groundwork’s Lindsay Owens Reacts to Warren Tax Speech: “Senator Warren just laid down a critical marker for the tax fight in 2025”

Today, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) delivered a speech on the upcoming 2025 tax fight at an event by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth where she argued for strong, progressive tax reform when the Trump tax law expires. Groundwork Collaborative Executive Director Lindsay Owens reacted with the following statement:

“Senator Warren just laid down a critical marker for the tax fight in 2025 – if Democrats do not want to get rolled by corporations once again, they must stiffen their spines and pursue a dramatically different approach.”

“To build the America we want to see, we must finally force corporations and the wealthy to pay up.”

Email to speak with a Groundwork expert about the upcoming 2025 tax fight.